Who are The Anunaki's / Exploring the Links Between the Anunaki & Sumerian Empire History / What is The Ancient Astronaut Theory

Quick Jump Topic List:
1. Introduction: What is the Sumerian Empire and How Does it Relate to Anunnaki History?
4. The Ancient Sumerians and Their Contributions to Science & Technology
5. The Ancient Astronaut Theory and Anunaki's
6. Exploring the Myths & Legends that Surround Anunnaki History
7. Pseudoarchaeology and Conspiracy Theories
8. The Rise & Fall of The Sumer
9. Ziusudra / Mesopotamian mythology
Introduction: What is the Sumerian Empire and How Does it Relate to Anunnaki History?
The Sumerian Empire is one of the earliest known civilizations in Mesopotamia The Sumerian Empire was an ancient civilization from around 4500 BCE - 2000 BCE. The name “Sumer” meant “Land of the Civilized Kings” The Sumerians were one of the first groups to divide time into hours and minutes. They also had a complex religion that involved gods called the Anunnaki. The Sumer Empire is known for its advanced mathematics, literature, and its role in the development of the concept of ancient gods and goddesses.
Mesopotamia is a historical region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates River system, in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent. Today, Mesopotamia occupies modern Iraq. In the broader sense, the historical region included present-day Iraq and parts of present-day Iran, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey.
The Anunnaki have long been a controversial topic as they are believed to be behind many of the major events in human history. According to Sumerian beliefs, they were said to be responsible for bringing civilization to mankind and helped shape religion and life as we know it today. It is said that the Anunnaki were the gods worshipped by the ancient people of Mesopotamia, including ancient Sumer. Their presence has been recorded in many archeological discoveries and references in stories, myths, and religious texts.
According to Sumerian mythology, it was the Anunnaki, a group of gods, who created the first man, Adamu. In the epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest surviving pieces of literature, it is said that a council of four Anunnaki gods created man by breathing life into clay. This story has been passed down for centuries and continues to be an integral part of Sumerian culture and history. Today, many historians believe that this story may have some basis in reality and could provide insight into how humans evolved from primitive beings into modern-day people.
Similar to Greek Mythology the Sumerians used to worship many gods. The three most powerful gods of the Anunnaki were Anu, Enlil, and Marduk. These gods were all held to be the most powerful by different peoples, and they had domain over the heavens and storms.
The Anunnaki were not a concise or consistent group of gods. However, they did include the following deities:
- Enlil, another storm god and often held to be Anu's successor as chief of the gods; he was worshipped most in the city of Nippur
- Ea (Enki), the god of a mythological underground freshwater ocean, as well as magic and wisdom; his intervention saved humanity in a destructive prehistorical flood
- Ninhursag, the goddess of fertility and the chief consort of Enlil or Ea, depending on the source
- Marduk, the son of Enki and the patron god of Babylon; the Babylonian people worshipped him as the chief of the gods, not An or Enlil
- Nabu, the god of writing and agriculture
- Sin (Nanna), Enlil's son and the god of the moon
- Shamash (Utu), Sin's son and the god of the sun and justice
- Ishtar (Inanna), Shamash's twin sister and the goddess of love and war
Is it Ananaki, Annunaki, or Anunnaku? Who knows! What is certain is that the exact etymological origin of this mysterious word remains an enigma.
The Sumerian Clay Tablets:
The Sumerian Clay Tablets are ancient artifacts that have been preserved for centuries to tell the story of the Anunaki, an alien species that was believed to have come down from Heaven. The tablets were written in the form of cuneiform which was used by the Sumerians to keep records and stories.
The documents on the clay tablets were written by scribes during the Ancient Sumerian period, which spanned from around 3500 BC to 2000 BC. The texts describe various aspects of life in Ancient Sumeria such as religion, social customs, and law. They also tell stories about gods and goddesses, kings and queens, battles, disasters, and other events that shaped history. One of the most famous stories is that of Gilgamesh which is said to be one of the first works of literature in human history.
The original location where these clay tablets were found remains unknown but it is believed that they are located somewhere near modern-day Iraq or Iran.
The Ancient Sumerians and Their Contributions to Science & Technology:
It was founded by a group of people known as the Sumerians who developed an advanced form of writing and technology. They were responsible for many of the first inventions, such as wheeled vehicles, irrigation systems, and legal codes. The Sumerian Empire was eventually conquered by Babylonians in 1894 BC and its culture was absorbed into their own.
Many historians believe the Sumerian gods were believed to have created mankind, and this belief was later adopted by other cultures. The Sumerians also developed early writing systems which later served as the basis for cuneiform writing used by other civilizations in the region. Through their impact on Mesopotamian culture, the legacy of their existence is still felt through their influence on philosophy, religion, and even modern science today.
The Sumerian Empire was one of the first civilizations to emerge in Mesopotamia, and its culture left an indelible mark on the world. Scholars have attempted to connect these two cultures by examining numerous aspects such as the stories about gods, mathematics, and language.
They were also said to be involved in engineering projects such as creating cities and writing laws. It is said that they brought knowledge of mathematics to Mesopotamia which was used by farmers and traders alike. Furthermore, many aspects of their culture can still be seen today such as their cuneiform script which is found throughout various artifacts.
The Ancient Astronaut Theory and Anunaki's:
The Ancient Astronaut Theory (AAT) is a theory that suggests that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in ancient times and made contact with humans. It also suggests that these extraterrestrials were responsible for shaping certain aspects of civilization such as art, language, and religion.
The Anunaki are believed to be extraterrestrial visitors who came from the planet Nebiru, which is said to exist in our solar system beyond Pluto. The Anunaki are credited with introducing advanced technologies and knowledge to humanity while on Earth. This includes the development of agriculture, mathematics, astronomy, and other sciences.
The connection between the Anunaki and planet Nebiru remains one of the biggest mysteries surrounding the AAT; however, some believe that this connection can provide us with important insights into how civilizations develop over time and how our current culture has been shaped by contact with advanced civilizations from other worlds.
Exploring the Myths & Legends that Surround Anunnaki History:
Sumerian (Source Wiki)
The earliest known usages of the term Anunnaki come from inscriptions written during the reign of Gudea (c. 2144–2124 BC) and the Third Dynasty of Ur. In the earliest texts, the term is applied to the most powerful and important deities in the Sumerian pantheon: the descendants of the sky god An. This group of deities probably included the "seven gods who decree": An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.
Although certain deities are described as members of the Anunnaki, no complete list of the names of all the Anunnaki has survived and they are usually only referred to as a cohesive group in literary texts. Furthermore, Sumerian texts describe the Anunnaki inconsistently and do not agree on how many Anunnaki there were, or what their divine function was. Originally, the Anunnaki appear to have been heavenly deities with immense powers. In the poem Enki and the World Order, the Anunnaki "do homage" to Enki, sing hymns of praise in his honor, and "take up their dwellings" among the people of Sumer. The same composition twice states that the Anunnaki "decree the fates of mankind".
Virtually every major deity in the Sumerian pantheon was regarded as the patron of a specific city and was expected to protect that city's interests. The deity was believed to permanently reside within that city's temple. One text mentions as many as fifty Anunnaki associated with the city of Eridu. In Inanna's Descent into the Netherworld, there are only seven Anunnaki, who reside within the Underworld and serve as judges. Inanna stands trial before them for her attempt to take over the Underworld; they deem her guilty of hubris and condemn her to death.
Major deities in Sumerian mythology were associated with specific celestial bodies. Inanna was believed to be the planet Venus. Utu was believed to be the sun. Nanna was the moon. A was identified with all the stars of the equatorial sky, Enlil with those of the northern sky, and Enki with those of the southern sky. The path of Enlil's celestial orbit was a continuous, symmetrical circle around the north celestial pole, but those of An and Enki were believed to intersect at various points.
The gods were thought to be of great stature, with some accounts claiming them to be very tall (Similar to the religious descriptions of the first human such as Adam (Prophet) and Noah (Prophet), who were said to be 70 feet tall and lived 900+ years). The Anunaki's giant size was said to be a reflection of their power and influence over their subjects, making them even more imposing figures. How tall they actually were remains a mystery, but it is clear that they were believed to tower above mortals.
Pseudoarchaeology and conspiracy theories
Main article: Ancient astronauts
Over a series of published books (starting with Chariots of the Gods? in 1968), pseudo archeologist Erich von Däniken claimed that extraterrestrial "ancient astronauts" had visited a prehistoric Earth. Däniken explains the origins of religions as reactions to contact with an alien race and offers interpretations of Sumerian texts and the Old Testament as evidence.
In his 1976 book The Twelfth Planet, author Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were actually an advanced humanoid extraterrestrial species from the undiscovered planet Nibiru, who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago and constructed a base of operations in order to mine gold after discovering that the planet was rich in the precious metal. According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki hybridized their species and Homo erectus via in vitro fertilization in order to create humans as slave species of miners. Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were forced to temporarily leave Earth's surface and orbit the planet when Antarctic glaciers melted, causing the Great Flood, which also destroyed the Anunnaki's bases on Earth. These had to be rebuilt, and the Anunnaki, needing more humans to help in this massive effort, taught mankind agriculture.
Ronald H. Fritze writes that, according to Sitchin, "the Annunaki built the pyramids and all the other monumental structures from around the ancient world that ancient astronaut theorists consider so impossible to build without highly advanced technologies." Sitchin expanded on this mythology in later works, including The Stairway to Heaven (1980) and The Wars of Gods and Men (1985). At The End of Days: Armageddon and the Prophecy of the Return (2007), Sitchin predicted that the Anunnaki would return to earth, possibly as soon as 2012, corresponding to the end of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Sitchin's writings have been universally rejected by mainstream historians, who have labeled his books as pseudoarchaeology, asserting that Sitchin seems to deliberately misrepresent Sumerian texts by quoting them out of context, truncating quotations, and mistranslating Sumerian words to give them radically different meanings from their accepted definitions.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anunnaki
There are many accounts and theories on this topic. According to some historians and writers in their books such as David Icke, Mark Carroll, and many others.
Book: The Anunnaki and Human Evolution
By Mark Carroll
Will the past become our future? The book provided humanity’s side of the story concerning our origins at the hands of the Anunnaki, “those who from heaven to Earth came”. Lord Enki, an Anunnaki god, tells the story of these extraterrestrials' arrival on Earth from the 12th planet, Nibiru. The object of their colonization: gold to replenish the dying atmosphere of their home planet. Finding this precious metal resulted in the Anunnaki creation of the human race to mine this important resource.
This is only the beginning of a great adventure. It opens up all the missing links in Genesis and even many other mysteries of the Bible and human history. An epic tale of gods and men unfolds, challenging every assumption we hold about our creation, our past, and our future.
David Icke, the British conspiracy theorist who popularised the reptilian conspiracy theory, has claimed that the reptilian overlords of his theory are in fact the Anunnaki. Clearly influenced by Sitchin's writings, Icke adapts them "in favor of his own New Age and conspiratorial agenda". Icke's speculation on the Anunnaki incorporates far-right views on history, positing an Aryan master race descended by blood from the Anunnaki. It also incorporates dragons, Dracula, and draconian laws, these three elements apparently linked only by superficial linguistic similarity. He formulated his views on the Anunnaki in the 1990s and has written several books about his theory. In his 2001 documentary about Icke, Jon Ronson cited a cartoon, "Rothschild" (1898), by Charles Léandre, arguing that Jews have long been depicted as lizard-like creatures who are out to control the world.
Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional Race Has Controlled the World for Thousands of Years and Still Does
By David Icke
Who are the Children of the Matrix? We are. All of us. We are born into a world controlled by unseen forces that have plagued and manipulated humanity for thousands of years. No, this is no script from a Hollywood movie. It is happening to you NOW. You may look around and think that what you see is "real." But in truth, you are living in an illusion - an illusion designed to keep you in a mental, emotional, and spiritual prison cell. David Icke exposes these forces and their methods of human control and he reveals a fantastic web of global manipulation, orchestrated by forces beyond this physical realm. He exposes the hidden bloodlines, through which other-dimensional entities live and operate unseen among us; and he shows how the bloodlines of the royal, political, and economic rulers of today are the same as those who ruled as the kings and queens of ancient times. Icke takes the story on from his highly acclaimed And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret, and he lifts still further the veil of secrecy that has maintained humanity in manipulated ignorance for so long. The truth is not only out there. Much of it is right here.
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The Rise & Fall of The Sumer:
The Sumerian Empire was one of the earliest and most powerful civilizations in the world. They left a legacy that still resonates today, including the Anunaki's. The fall of the Sumerian Empire was attributed to a great flood, which is said to have been caused by the planet Nebiru and its inhabitants, the Anunaki. According to ancient texts, this flood wiped out much of civilization as we know it and left only a few survivors. This event is believed to be at least partially responsible for the decline of Sumerian culture, as well as its eventual disappearance from history.
The Anunaki are still shrouded in mystery today, but their impact on ancient times cannot be denied. They played an important role in shaping not only Sumerian culture but also other cultures around them like Babylonian mythology.
The Sumerian Clay Tablets, written in ancient Mesopotamia, also tell the story of the Anunaki and their great flood. This story is similar to the one found in many religions today of Noah and his ark. It is believed that the Anunaki were a race of gods who created man and then flooded the world to cleanse it of its wickedness. Though there are many differences between these stories, they have some similarities that suggest a common origin.
Mesopotamian mythology:
Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical and Islamic Noah (Prophet) as a survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience. Ziusudra did as Enki commanded him and built a huge boat, in which he successfully rode out the flood. Afterward, he prostrated himself before the gods An (Anu) and Enlil (Bel), and, as a reward for living a godly life, Ziusudra was given immortality.
Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Ziusudra
Today, we've explored the history of gods and goddesses from a very different culture. it's clear that religion has played an important role in all of our lives. But what about the stories of ancient astronaut theories, the Sumer empire, and Anunaki’s from planet Nibiru? Could these tales actually be true? Join us for more as we explore these intriguing questions and discover the possibilities of life beyond Earth!

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